No one wants a pet that leaves a lingering odour in the home. This is true for any dog breed, and prospective Dachshund owners will also ask themselves – Do Dachshunds smell? While some dogs may develop odours, various factors contribute to this issue, and there are ways to manage and prevent it effectively.

Factors Contributing to Odour

Skin Conditions

Dachshunds can suffer from skin conditions that cause bad smells. Skin infections or allergies often lead to unpleasant odours. Yeast infections are a common problem, causing a distinct, musty smell. Regular skin checks and proper care can help keep these issues at bay.

Ear Infections

Ear problems are another source of bad smells in Dachshunds. Their long, floppy ears can trap moisture and debris, creating an ideal environment for infections. Regular ear cleaning helps prevent these issues, reducing the risk of odour.

Dental Issues

Poor dental hygiene can result in bad breath. Dachshunds are prone to dental problems due to their small mouths and crowded teeth. Regular brushing and dental check-ups are crucial in preventing bad breath and maintaining overall health.


A dog’s diet can affect its smell. Certain foods may cause body odour or bad breath. Feeding your Dachshund a balanced, high-quality diet helps reduce these risks. Avoiding table scraps and feeding appropriate dog food is essential.

General Hygiene

Regular grooming and bathing play a significant role in managing a Dachshund’s odour. Dirt and natural oils can build up on the skin and coat, causing smells. Regular baths with dog-friendly shampoo, along with consistent grooming, keep your Dachshund clean and fresh.

Frequency and Commonality

Odour issues are not unique to Dachshunds. All breeds can develop bad smells if not cared for properly. However, some breeds, like Dachshunds, might be more prone to certain conditions that cause odours. Understanding these tendencies helps in managing them effectively.

Veterinarians and dog experts note that while Dachshunds can have odour issues, they are manageable with proper care. Regular grooming, dental hygiene, and attention to diet are key to preventing these problems.

Managing and Preventing Odour

Regular Grooming

Bathing your Dachshund once a month helps keep odours at bay. Use a gentle dog shampoo to avoid skin irritation. Regular brushing helps remove dirt and distribute natural oils, keeping the coat healthy and clean.

Proper Diet

A balanced diet is crucial. Choose high-quality dog food with essential nutrients. Avoid giving your Dachshund table scraps or foods that can cause digestive issues and bad breath.

Dental Care

Brush your Dachshund’s teeth regularly. Use dog-specific toothpaste and a soft brush. Regular dental check-ups with your vet can prevent dental diseases and bad breath.

Ear Care

Check and clean your Dachshund’s ears weekly. Use a vet-recommended ear cleaner to remove wax and debris. This prevents infections and reduces odours.

Vet Visits

Regular veterinary check-ups are vital. Your vet can identify and treat underlying health issues that may cause odours. Early detection and treatment of skin conditions, ear infections, and dental problems are crucial.

Common Misconceptions

Many believe Dachshunds inherently smell bad. This is simply not true. With proper care, Dachshunds can be as odour-free as any other breed. Understanding and addressing the factors that contribute to bad smells helps keep your pet fresh.


While Dachshunds can develop odours, they are not inherently smelly dogs. Proper care, including regular grooming, a balanced diet, and good dental hygiene, can prevent and manage these issues. Potential Dachshund owners should not be deterred by concerns about odour, as it is manageable with the right attention and care.

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