Dachshunds, famed for their long, drooping ears, exude curiosity and playfulness. Yet, these charming ears can harbour infections without proper care. Consistent ear cleaning wards off wax buildup, discomfort, and potential infections. Given the unique structure of Dachshund ears, which can trap moisture and debris, routine care safeguards ear health, sparing your pup from avoidable troubles.

Proper ear cleaning brings several advantages: infection prevention, wax and dirt removal, and maintaining your dog’s comfort. Establishing a routine minimises serious ear problems and bolsters your Dachshund’s well-being.

Tools You’ll Need

Ear Cleaner: Always select a vet-approved solution designed for dogs. These products cleanse effectively without irritating the sensitive skin within the ear. Steer clear of human products, as they can harm the ear’s natural balance.

Cotton Balls or Gauze: Use cotton balls or gauze pads to sweep away dirt and wax. Their soft texture is gentle, making them ideal for delicate cleaning. Avoid cotton swabs, which can push debris deeper into the canal, risking blockages or irritation.

Towel and Treats: A towel helps manage spills, and treats provide crucial rewards, building positive associations with the routine.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Dachshund’s Ears

Step 1: Prepare Your Dog

Begin by fostering a calm setting where your Dachshund feels secure. Place them on a stable surface, like a grooming table or your lap. Gently cradle your dog’s head, speaking in soothing tones. The more at ease your dog remains, the smoother the process.

Step 2: Inspect the Ears

Before applying any cleaner, inspect your dog’s ears. Search for redness, swelling, or foul odour—signs of potential infection. Excessive wax may signal a problem. If any of these symptoms appear, consult a veterinarian first. Routine inspections help you detect early issues, preventing serious complications.

Step 3: Apply the Ear Cleaner

Once you’ve ensured the ears are in good condition, administer the cleaner. Gently lift the ear flap and drip the solution into the canal as instructed. Avoid inserting the tip too deeply. Afterward, massage the base of the ear for 20-30 seconds, loosening debris and spreading the cleaner evenly.

Step 4: Wipe Away Debris

After massaging, use a cotton ball or gauze to clear out loosened dirt and wax. Wipe in gentle, circular motions, focusing on folds and crevices without inserting anything into the canal. Ensure all visible grime is removed while avoiding irritation.

Step 5: Let Your Dog Shake It Out

Allow your Dachshund to shake its head, naturally expelling any remaining solution and debris from deeper within the ear canal. Be ready for splatter—this is where the towel comes in handy. This shake helps clear out residual particles lodged inside.

Step 6: Final Wipe and Reward

After the shake, take a clean cotton ball or gauze and gently wipe the ear flap and surrounding area, ensuring no residue remains. Reward your Dachshund with a treat afterward, reinforcing positive behaviour. Consistent rewards make ear cleaning a less stressful experience for your pup.

How Often Should You Clean a Dachshund’s Ears?

Cleaning frequency varies based on activity level, wax production, and ear health. Generally, cleaning once a month suffices. However, if your dog spends much time outdoors or has a history of ear issues, more frequent cleanings may be necessary.

Watch for signs that indicate more regular cleaning might be needed: head shaking, ear scratching, or noticeable odours often hint at excessive wax or early-stage infections. Adjust the routine according to your dog’s needs and consult your veterinarian if uncertain.

Signs of Ear Problems to Watch For

Even with regular cleaning, stay alert for symptoms of ear issues, such as:

  • Redness or swelling inside the ear
  • Persistent foul odour
  • Excessive scratching or rubbing at the ears
  • Head tilting or frequent head shaking
  • Discharge from the ear

Seek veterinary advice if any of these signs emerge. Attempting to clean an infected ear can worsen the condition. Early treatment is crucial to addressing infections or ear-related concerns before they escalate.

Tips for a Positive Ear Cleaning Experience

Creating a stress-free routine is vital for sensitive breeds like Dachshunds. Consider these tips:

Start Slow: If your Dachshund is new to ear cleaning, gradually introduce the process. Handle their ears during play or grooming to build familiarity.

Use Positive Reinforcement: Reward each step with treats and praise, helping your dog associate cleaning with positive outcomes.

Keep Sessions Short: Avoid rushing or prolonging the cleaning process. Keep it brief to prevent stress. If your dog becomes restless, pause and resume later.

Build Trust Over Time: For especially resistant dogs, focus on creating calm, positive experiences. Consistency and patience lead to smoother sessions over time.


Regular ear care preserves your Dachshund’s ear health, preventing infections and maintaining comfort. A gentle approach paired with positive reinforcement transforms ear cleaning into a manageable task. With consistent care, you can avoid common ear problems and keep those iconic ears in top shape.

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