dachshund near brick wall

Dachshunds are sturdy little dogs, and they are actually easier to care for than most people think. However, that doesn’t mean that they are zero-maintenance dogs. Owning and taking care of a Dachshund is still a big responsibility that should be taken seriously. 

Adopting or buying a Dachshund puppy is a commitment that a dog owner makes for life. Let’s take a look at what a Dachshund owner needs to do so that their dog has the happiest, most fulfilling life possible.

Taking Care of a Dachshund

The fundamental aspects of Dachshund care can be divided into several categories. Fulfilling your Dachshund’s needs in each of these categories will help keep them happy and healthy. 

Dachshunds have a long lifespan of 12 to 15 years. The care that you are able to give your Dachshund puppies will have effects that last all throughout their lives. 

It’s important to build good habits not just for the dog, but also for the owner. Maintaining a comprehensive care routine makes it easier to address the dog’s needs before they develop problems or issues that can affect their mental or physical health. 

Dachshund Feeding

A proper diet is one of the biggest aspects of your Dachshund’s care. If your Dachshund isn’t getting the proper nutrients to support their health, all the other aspects of their life can suffer. 

Dachshund puppies will generally need more calories than adult Dachshunds. The dog food you give your Dachshund will usually have a feeding chart based on the dog’s expected adult weight. This adult weight will depend on whether you have a standard or miniature Doxie.

Dachshund puppies should get 3 to 4 meals in a day, while adults will get only 2. It’s best to choose breed-specific dog food, or small breed dog food, as it will have the right mix of macronutrients to prevent your dog from gaining too much weight. 

Dachshund Grooming

Dachshunds do not require a lot of grooming to maintain a healthy coat of fur. However, it is still advisable to brush them a couple of times a week to remove shed fur and dander. For long-haired or wire-haired Dachshunds, it also helps to remove tangles in the hair that can develop into painful mats. 

When grooming a Dachshund, be sure to check their ears for any sign of irritation, as they may develop bacterial infections due to dirt or water getting trapped. 

Dachshund Training

Dachshunds are smart, independent-minded dogs, but they are very trainable. Set aside 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a day for fun, focused training sessions. You can do obedience training to start, then progress on to more advanced training and tricks once your Dachshund has learned all the basic commands.

Regular training is key to keeping your Dachshund safe and mentally stimulated. Obedience commands such as emergency recall can help if your Dachshund finds themselves in a dangerous situation where they’re confused or overwhelmed. Training is a lifelong pursuit, so devote the time to it – your Dachshund will be happier and better behaved as a result.

Dachshund Exercise

Dachshunds are high-energy dogs since they were originally intended to hunt badgers and other small animals. They need regular exercise, but it doesn’t need to be very vigorous or intense. A couple of 15 to 20-minute walks each day are enough for most Dachshunds. 

It’s also important to watch out for the Dachshund jumping or running excessively, as this can put pressure on the dog’s sensitive back. Dachshund puppies in particular are prone to hurting themselves because their joints and bones aren’t yet fully developed and strong enough for intense activity. 

It’s best to let your Dachshund engage in moderately-intense play on the floor or on the ground, instead of letting them run and jump around as they please. 

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