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If you’re a proud dachshund parent, then you know that these adorable pups can be prone to weight gain from time to time. But how do you tell if your dachshund is fat or just carrying a little extra weight? Here’s a guide on how to recognize signs of obesity in your pet and what you can do about it. 

Is my Dachshund Fat?

The first thing to look for is changes in your dog’s body shape. If your pup suddenly looks like they’ve gained a few pounds, then it could be an indication that you have a fat Dachshund. To check, run your hands along their back and sides and feel for any extra padding around the ribs or spine. You should also feel along the stomach area as this is where fat deposits can sometimes be found. 

Next, take a look at the overall appearance of your pup’s body. Are their legs shorter than usual? Do their feet appear wider than normal? These are all signs that suggest that your furry friend may have put on some extra pounds recently. Also pay attention to their gait; if they are waddling more than usual or having trouble moving around due to added weight, then this could be a sign that they need to shed some pounds. 

Additionally, check if there’s any excess fat hanging off the neck or tail areas of your pup. If there is, then it could mean that they have too much body fat and need to go on a diet. The same goes for any extra bulkiness around the abdomen – if it feels soft and jiggly when you press down lightly with your fingers, then this could mean weight gain as well. 

Finally, take note of any changes in behaviour or appetite in your dog – if they seem hungrier than usual despite eating the same amount of food or become lethargic due to carrying extra weight, then these could both be signs of obesity as well. 

Dachshund Food Guide

Determining how much food to feed a dachshund can be tricky. The amount of food you should give your dachshund will depend on several factors including their age, size, activity level, and health. Generally speaking, adult dachshunds should be fed twice a day with a total daily ration of 1/2 to 1 cup of dry kibble split into the two meals. 

Puppies require more frequent meals throughout the day – three to four meals per day is optimal – and the amount of food should increase as they grow. Puppies need about ¼ cup for each meal until they are about 4 months old. From 4–6 months old, puppies may need between ½ and ¾ cup per meal; from 6–9 months old, up to 1 cup per meal; and from 9–12 months old, up to 1¼ cups per meal. After 12 months of age, adult feeding guidelines apply (1/2 to 1 cup per day). 

The type of kibble you choose will also impact how much food your dachshund needs. Some kibble is higher in calories than others so it’s important to read the label and understand how many calories your pup is getting from their food. The best way to determine how much food your pup needs is to consult with your vet or do an online calorie calculator that takes into account breed size and activity levels. 

In addition to regular meals, you can also offer healthy treats throughout the day as long as they don’t exceed 10% of your pup’s total daily caloric intake. If possible, try to choose treats that are low in fat and high in protein such as boiled chicken breast or carrots. 

It’s important not to overfeed your dachshund as this can lead to weight gain which can cause serious health problems like diabetes and joint issues down the road. If you’re unsure if your pup is getting enough or too much food each day, it’s best to check in with your vet for personalised advice on how much food they need at each age and stage of life.

If you think that your dachshund has become overweight lately, don’t panic! The best way forward is to consult with a vet who can assess whether or not there’s an underlying medical condition causing them to gain weight and devise an appropriate diet plan tailored specifically for your pup’s needs. In the meantime, you may need to get a ramp for your Dachshund. Remember; vigilance is key when it comes to keeping our furry friends healthy!

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